Tell the City Council to support Councilor Anna Trevorrow’s amendment to fully fund the Clean Elections Program!

Do you want to make a difference in your city? Do you believe in fair and transparent elections? Do you support the Clean Elections program that was recommended by the Charter Commission, ratified by Portland voters, and adopted by the Portland City Council?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then we need your help! The Clean Elections program is under threat by some council members who want to underfund it by $175,000. This would jeopardize the program’s ability to provide public funding for candidates who reject big money and special interests in their campaigns.

The Clean Elections program was designed to cost $465,000 in its first year, which is what the council approved when they adopted it. This amount is necessary to cover the start-up costs and the expected demand for funding in a mayoral election year. The council members who want to cut the budget are using a misleading estimate of $290,000, which was reported as the annual average cost over four years.

This is unacceptable! A vote not to fully fund the program at this point is a blatant vote to undermine the program, which raises a moral question in addition to a legal one. We cannot let this happen!

That’s why we are asking you to submit your testimony to the city council in support of Councilor Anna Trevorrow’s amendment to the budget for the Clean Elections program to $465,000. Your voice matters and can make a difference!

Please join us in this fight for democracy and clean elections in Portland. Together, we can ensure that our city has a government that is accountable to the people, not to big money and special interests. Thank you for your support!

How to give testimony

The City Council meeting is on Monday July 17th, 2023 at 5:30 pm. The City Council will discuss the clean elections budget amendment under Order 222-22/23 Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Appropriation Resolve. Please wait for Order 222-22/23 to come up. The council will provide an opportunity for public comment when it gets to Order 222-22/23. If you ask to speak on this item before it comes up, you’ll be asked to wait.

Option 1: In Person at City Hall

If you can attend in person, go to:

City Council Chambers
389 Congress Street
2nd Floor of City Hall
Portland, ME 04101

Option 2: Remotely via Zoom

For public comment via Zoom, you will need to use the “raise your hand” feature. To raise your hand via the telephone, please hit 9. You will be unmuted by the host when it is time for public comment.

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Option 3: In Writing via Email

To submit written public comment on an agenda item, send an email to: and To make sure councilors see your message, try to submit messages before Sunday July 16th, 12pm.

Sample Testimony

Thank you for the opportunity to speak about the Clean Elections Program.

My name is <your name> and I reside at <your address>. I want to speak in favor of fully funding the Clean Elections Program.

When the City Council adopted the Clean Elections Program it knew that it would cost more than the projected annual average in its first year, which is also a mayoral election year.

The cost to bootstrap the program and support a mayoral election is $465,000. The budget should be amended to reflect this. The clean elections program was recommended by the Charter Commission, ratified by Portland voters, and adopted by the Council. Any attempt to underfund the program would be an attack on the program and subvert the will of Portland voters.

I urge you to support Councilor Anna Trevorrow’s amendment to fully fund the Clean Elections Program.

Thank You