Portland Pride Parade
Monument Square Monument Square, Portland, ME, United StatesThe Maine Green Independent Green Party will be walking in this years Pride Parade in Portland. See you there!
The Maine Green Independent Green Party will be walking in this years Pride Parade in Portland. See you there!
The Longest Day of Homelessness Event seeks to bring together the community to acknowledge the dangers of homelessness regardless of the time of year. While exposure to the elements feels clearly dangerous during a brutal Maine winter, the dangers of unsheltered living throughout the rest of the year are frequently overlooked. The Cumberland County Greens […]
WE WILL NOT BE SILENT/ # transgender justice We will meet at the South Portland end of the Casco Bay Bridge at 11 am, and stand in solidarity until 12 pm. with love and support for all transgender people!! In the tradition of Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, two transgender drag queens of color […]
The Cumberland County Greens shall hold their monthly meeting on Thursday July 13th at 6pm. Meetings are open to all Maine Green Independent Party members residing in Cumberland County. Fill out this form if you wish to attend.
Come meet the Cumberland County Greens at Portland's 2023 Festival of Nations. We'll be tabling at the festival and we look forward to meeting everyone.
The Cumberland County Greens shall hold their monthly meeting on Thursday August 17th at 6pm. Meetings are open to all Maine Green Independent Party members residing in Cumberland County. Fill out this form if you wish to attend.
Join us at Husky Fest 2023. The Cumberland County Greens will have a table at the event and look forward to meeting students!
The Cumberland County Greens shall hold their monthly meeting on Thursday September 7th at 6pm. Meetings are open to all Maine Green Independent Party members residing in Cumberland County. Fill […]
The Cumberland County Greens shall hold their monthly meeting on Thursday October 5th at 6pm. Meetings are open to all Maine Green Independent Party members residing in Cumberland County. Fill […]
The Cumberland County Greens shall hold their monthly meeting on Thursday November 2nd at 6pm. Meetings are open to all Maine Green Independent Party members residing in Cumberland County. Fill […]